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quick lime meaning in Hindi

quick lime sentence in Hindi
अनबुझा चूना

बिना बुझा चूना
quick    सचेत भाग जीता मांस
lime    चूना नींबू नीबू
1.The Department of Fish and Game even approved quick lime poisonings.

2.They were stopped by pouring a large quantity of quick lime into the reservoir.

3.The trains consisted of sets of either third class passenger carriages, but mainly quick lime on the floor.

4.:During the First World War it was found that quick lime decomposed all sorts of nasty gases and stuff.

5.The arches inside allow defenders above to attack people below with missiles and liquids, such a quick lime and liquid lead.

6.The remaining limestone was put into lime kilns at Bugsworth where it was converted into quick lime ( or burnt lime ).

7.His kidnapper had taken and killed many children and disposed of their bodies with quick lime and set them in a mass grave.

8.The name Limehouse comes from the lime oasts in Limekiln Dock in the 14th century and used to produce quick lime for building mortar.

9.It was reported to have produced 300-400 baskets of quick lime per week which were sent to Brisbane via the Bremer and Brisbane Rivers.

10.Cement, lime / quick lime, flyash, sludge and / or other binders ( sometimes called stabilizer ) are mixed into the soil to increase bearing capacity.

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How to say quick lime in Hindi and what is the meaning of quick lime in Hindi? quick lime Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.